Proverb 16: 9
The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps.
Father, what would you like to show me about this verse?
I like for my children to be goal setters. I love for you to dream and contemplate. I want you to envision the things you want and would like to see happen. Daydreaming is even worthwhile. However, success is found in listening to my voice, following my direction.
I want you to plan and consider. Just do not put your trust in your plans or time tables. Dedicate your dreams and hopes to me just as you dedicate everything else to me. Put the raw clay of your hopes and aspirations in my hands and allow me to mold it into a miracle. Let me expand your thoughts and give you dreams beyond your present vision.
I can think and do far beyond what you are thinking and hoping for right now. I want to do bigger and better for you than your present thoughts. If you will allow me to direct your steps daily; if you will seek me in all your desires, then I will lead you to the land that is overflowing with milk and honey. I will guide you into the Promised Land. Nothing shall be impossible to you if you will let me direct your steps.
Questions for the Lord:
- Father, can you give me some specific ideas of how I can release more of my daily life into your hands?
- Father, in what ways will you direct my steps?
- Your Question for the Lord