Luke 6:37
Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Father, what would you like to show me about this verse?
The law of sowing and reaping works for whomever applies it. Notice, I did not say for Christians. It will work for everyone because it is a spiritual law. Rain falls upon the righteous and the unrighteous. Gravity applies to the saved and unsaved. These laws are universally applicable. This verse is an application of the law of sowing and reaping. If you sow forgiveness, you will also reap forgiveness.
I have forgiven you for all things and forever. This verse applies to that which you will reap in this life from, and through, other people. If you do not forgive those who trespass against you, then you will find that other people will hold a grudge against you even when it is not justified. Whatever you sow into the world is likewise sown in the realm of the spirit. Those seeds always produce a crop though the return may not come from the same source as the one of the world. The spiritual world is without limit or boundaries so you may find someone who falsely accuses you because you failed to forgive someone else.
Make forgiveness an absolute mandate in your life. Make it a habit so that you may be free of the judgments of others.
Questions for the Lord:
- Father, how do I forgive someone who continues to trespass against me?
- Father, I try to forgive but sometimes I find it hard to forget. What do you say to that?
- Your Question for the Lord